Law Approving the Benelux Convention Concerning Trademarks and Annex signed in Brussels on March 19 1962
Approving the Benelux Convention Concerning
Trademarks, and Annex, signed in
Brussels on March 19, 1962 |
| The Benelux Convention concerning trademarks, signed in Brussels on March 19, 1962, shall have full force and effect. |
| The following legislation is hereby repealed: |
| (1) Articles 1 to 7 and 16 to 20 of the Trademark Law of April 1, 1879, as amended by the Law of August 30, 1913, the Law of December 30, 1925, the Law of July 23, 1932, the Law of June 30, 1933. Royal Decree No. 89 of January 29, 1935, and Royal Decree No. 182 of July 2, 1935; |
| (4) the provisions of the Law of July 15, 1957, to facilitate filing of patent applications and applications for the registration of trademarks and industrial designs on the occasion of official or officially recognized international exhibitions organized in Belgium, to the extent that such provisions apply to trademarks. |
| The Law of June 5, 1868, concerning freedom to fashion gold and silver is hereby amended, as follows: in Articles 11(2) and 12 providing for compulsory guaranty of the titre of precious metal objects, as amended by Royal Decree No. 80 of November 28, 1939, and the Decree-Law of February 28, 1947, the words “Article 4 of the Trademark Law of April 1, 1879” are replaced by the words “Article 6 of the Uniform Benelux Trademark Law”; in Article 15, the words “Article 4 of the Law of April 1, 1879” are replaced by the words “Article 17 of the Uniform Benelux Law”; in Article 17, the words “as provided in Article 4 of the Law of April 1, 1879” are replaced by the words “as provided in Article 8 of the Uniform Benelux Law.” |
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