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Патентный поверенный Кондратюк Игорь Викторович


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Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works of December 7 1995

Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works
(Law No. 729, of December 30, 1960, as last amended by
Law No. 1274, of December 7, 1995)
Chapter 1
Subject Matter and Scope
Art. 1. Anyone who has created a literary or artistic work shall have copyright in that work, regardless of whether it is
1.     a fictional or descriptive representation in writing or speech,
2.     a computer program,
3.     a musical or dramatic work,
4.     a cinematographic work,
5.     a photographic work or another work of fine art,
6.     a work of architecture or applied art,
7.     a work expressed in some other manner.
Maps and other works of a descriptive nature executed as drawings, engravings, or in a three-dimensional form, shall be considered as literary works.
What is prescribed in this Act concerning computer programs shall apply mutatis mutandis also to preparatory design material for computer programs.
[As enacted by Law 1994:190]
Art. 2. With the limitations stated hereinafter, copyright shall include the exclusive right to control the work by reproducing it and by making it available to the public, be it in the original or an altered form, in translation or adaptation, in another literary or artistic form or by other technical means.
The recording of a work on a material support by means of which it can be reproduced shall also be considered as the production of copies.
A work is made available to the public by public performance or by having copies of it placed on sale, leased, lent or otherwise distributed to the public or publicly exhibited. A public performance which takes place within the framework of commercial activities for a comparatively large closed group of persons shall also be deemed a performance.
Art. 3. When a work is reproduced or when it is made available to the public, the name of the author shall be stated to the extent and in the manner required by proper usage.
A work may not be changed in a manner which is prejudicial to the author’s literary or artistic reputation or to his individuality, nor may it be made available to the public in the manner stated.
The author may, with binding effect, waive his right under this Article only in relation to uses which are limited as to their character and scope.
Art. 4. A person who has made a translation or an adaptation of a work or converted it into another literary or artistic form shall have copyright in the work in the new form, but his right to control it shall be subject to the copyright in the original work.
If a person, in free connection with another work, has created a new and independent work, his copyright shall not be subject to the right in the original work.
Art. 5. A person who, by combining works or parts of works, creates a composite literary or artistic work shall have copyright therein, but his right shall be without prejudice to the rights in the individual works.
Art. 6. If a work has two or more authors whose contributions do not constitute independent works, the copyright shall belong to the authors jointly. However, each one of them is entitled to bring an action for infringement.
Art. 7. A person whose name or generally known pseudonym or signature appears in the usual manner on copies of the work or when it is made available to the public shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be deemed to be its author.
If a work is published without the name of the author being stated in the manner prescribed in the first paragraph, the editor, if he is named, or otherwise the publisher, shall represent the author until his name is stated in a new edition or in a notification to the Ministry of Justice.
Art. 8. A work is deemed to have been made public when it has lawfully been made available to the public.
A work is deemed to have been published when copies thereof have, with the consent of the author, been placed on sale or otherwise distributed to the public.
[As enacted by Law 1973:363]
Art. 9. Copyright does not subsist in
1.     laws and other regulations,
2.     decisions by public authorities,
3.     reports by Swedish public authorities,
4.     official translations of texts mentioned under items 1 to 3.
However, copyright subsists in works of the following kinds when they form part of a document mentioned in the first paragraph:
1.     maps,
2.     works of drawing, painting or engraving,
3.     musical works, or
4.     works of poetry.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 10. Copyright subsists in a work even if it has been registered as a design.
Copyright does not subsist in layout designs in semiconductor products. Special provisions apply to the rights in such designs.
[As enacted by Law 1994:190]
Chapter 2
Limitations on Copyright
General Provisions on Limitations
Art. 11. The provisions of this Chapter do not limit the author’s right under
When a work is used publicly on the basis of the provisions in this Chapter, the source shall be stated to the extent and in the manner required by proper usage, and the work may not be altered more than necessary for the permitted use.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Reproduction for Private Purposes
Art. 12. Anyone is entitled to make, for private purposes, single copies of works which have been made public. Such copies may not be used for other purposes.
The provisions in the first paragraph do not apply to computer programs and do not include the right to construct a work of architecture.
The provisions in the first paragraph do not confer the right to engage, for private purposes, another person to
1.     make copies of musical works or cinematographic works,
2.     make useful articles or sculptures,
3.     copy another person’s artistic work by artistic reproduction.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Reproduction Within Educational Activities
Art. 13. For educational purposes, copies of published works may be prepared by means of reprographic reproduction and recordings made of works broadcast by sound radio or television if an extended collective agreement license applies under
The first paragraph does not apply if the author has filed a prohibition against such reproduction with any of the contracting parties.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 14. Teachers and pupils may, for educational purposes, make recordings of their own performances of works. Such recordings may not be used for other purposes.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Reproduction Within Hospitals, etc.
Art. 15. Hospitals and establishments for special service or care of elderly or disabled persons may make recordings of sound radio or television broadcasts. The recordings may only be used within the establishment and within a short time of the making of the recording.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Reproduction Within Certain Archives
and Libraries
Art. 16. Those archives and libraries which are mentioned in the third and fourth paragraphs may make copies of works, with the exception of computer programs,
1.     for purposes of preservation, completion or research,
2.     of single articles or short extracts of works or of material which, for reasons of security, must not be given away in the original, for delivery to users, or
3.     for use in reading devices.
Reproduction as mentioned in the first paragraph, 3, may be carried out only by means of reprography.
The following have the right to make copies according to this Article:
1.     government and municipal archival authorities,
2.     the National Archive for Recorded Sound and Moving Images,
3.     those scientific and research libraries that are run by public authorities, and
4.     public libraries.
The Government may in specific cases also grant certain archives and libraries, other than those mentioned in the third paragraph, the right to make copies under this Article.
[As enacted by Law 1994:190]
Reproduction for Visually Handicapped Persons, etc.
Art. 17. Anyone is entitled to make copies printed in braille of published literary and musical works.
The Government may in specific cases grant libraries and organizations a right to make copies of published literary works by means of recording of a recitation of the work or by means of a transfer from another recording, for lending to visually handicapped persons and other disabled persons who are not able to acquaint themselves with the works in written form. Such copying shall, however, not take place in respect of works recordings of which have been put on the market.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Composite Works for Use in Educational Activities
Art. 18. Anyone who, for use in educational activities, prepares a composite work consisting of works by a comparatively large number of authors may, in that work, use minor portions of literary and musical works or short works of any of those categories, provided that five years have elapsed from the publication of those works. Artistic works may be used in connection with the text, provided that five years have elapsed from their being made available to the public. The authors are entitled to remuneration.
The provisions of the first paragraph do not apply to works which have been created for use in educational activities.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Distribution of Copies
Art. 19. When a copy of a literary or musical work or a work of fine art has been transferred with the consent of the author, that copy may be further distributed. However, as regards copies of computer programs, the further distribution is, instead, allowed after the copy has, with the consent of the author, been transferred within the European Economic Area.
The provisions in the first paragraph do not constitute a right to make available to the public
1.     copies of works, with the exception of buildings and works of applied art, through rental or similar acts, or
2.     copies of computer programs in machine-readable form, through lending.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Exhibition of Copies
Art. 20. When a work has been published, those copies which are included in the publication may be publicly exhibited. The same applies when the author has transferred copies of a work of fine art.
The provisions of the first paragraph do not confer the right to exhibit copies of works of fine art through a film or a television broadcast. Copies of works of art referred to in the first paragraph may, however, be included in a film or a television broadcast provided that such inclusion is of minor importance to the contents of the film or the television program.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Public Performances
Art. 21. Anyone may publicly perform published works
1.     on occasions when the performance of such works is not the main feature of the event, provided that no admission fee is charged and the event is not for profit, and
2.     in educational activities and for divine services.
The provisions of the first paragraph do not apply to dramatic works or cinematographic works and do not confer the right to use works in sound radio or television.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 22. Anyone may, in accordance with proper usage and to the extent necessary for the purpose, quote from works which have been made available to the public.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Use of Works of Fine Art and of Buildings
Art. 23. Works of fine art which have been made available to the public may be used
1.     in connection with the text in critical or scientific presentations,
2.     in newspapers or periodicals in connection with reports on current news events, except if the work has been created specifically for reproduction in such a publication.
The provisions of the first paragraph apply only if the use is carried out in conformity with proper usage and to the extent called for for purposes of information.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 24. Works of fine art may be reproduced in pictorial form and then made available to the public
1.     when they are permanently situated outdoors or at a public place, or
2.     if they are exhibited, placed on sale or form part of a collection, but in such cases only in notices concerning the exhibition or sale and in catalogs.
Buildings may be freely reproduced in pictorial form and then made available to the public.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Information on Current Events
Art. 25. Works which are seen or heard in the course of an event may be used in connection with information concerning the event through sound radio, television, direct transmission or film. The works may, however, be used only to the extent justified for purposes of information.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Public Debates, Public Documents, etc.
Art. 26. Anyone is entitled to use oral or written statements
1.     before public authorities,
2.     in government or municipal representative bodies,
3.     in public debates on public matters,
4.     at public inquiries on such matters.
However, in the application of the provisions in the first paragraph it shall be observed,
1.     that writings cited as evidence, reports and similar works may be used only in connection with a report concerning the legal proceedings or case in which they have appeared and only to the extent necessary for the purpose of such a report,
2.     that the author has the exclusive right to publish compilations of his statements, and
3.     that what is stated during inquiries as mentioned in the first paragraph, [As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 26a.Anyone is entitled to use works which form part of the documents mentioned in 4. The author is entitled to remuneration except when the use occurs in connection with
1.     the activities of a public authority,
2.     a report of the legal proceedings or case in which the work appears and the work is used only to the extent necessary for purposes of information.
Anyone is entitled to use documents which are prepared by Swedish public authorities but which are not such as are mentioned in  9, first paragraph.
The second paragraph does not apply to
1.     maps,
2.     technical models,
3.     computer programs,
4.     works created for educational purposes,
5.     works which are the result of scientific research,
6.     works of drawing, painting or engraving,
7.     musical works,
8.     works of poetry, or
9.     works copies of which are made available to the public through public authorities in connection with commercial activities.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 26b.Notwithstanding copyright therein, official documents shall be made available to the public as prescribed in Chapter 2 of the Freedom of the Press Act.
Copyright in a photographic work does not prevent the use of the work in the interests of justice or public security.
[As enacted by Law 1994:190]
Alterations of Buildings and of Useful Articles
Art. 26c. The owner of a building or a useful article is entitled to alter the property without the consent of the author.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Special Provisions Concerning Sound Radio and Television
Art. 26d. Sound radio and television organizations as specified in particular cases by the Government are entitled to broadcast published literary and musical works and works of fine art which have been made available to the public, provided that an extended collective agreement license applies under
The provisions in the first paragraph do not apply to dramatic works, nor to other works if the author has prohibited such broadcasting or there are special reasons to assume that he would oppose the broadcast. The provisions in the first paragraph do not apply to retransmissions referred to in
As regards transmissions via satellite, the extended collective agreement license applies only if the emitting organization simultaneously carries out an emission through a terrestrial transmitter.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Art. 26e. A sound radio or television organization which has acquired the right to broadcast a work is also entitled to record the work on a material support from which it can be perceived, if this act is made
1.     for use in its own broadcasts a few times during a limited time,
2.     to ensure evidence concerning the content of the broadcast, or
3.     in order to make it possible for a government authority to exercise supervision over the broadcasting activities.
Recordings made in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph, items 2 and 3, may be used only for the purposes indicated therein. If such recordings have a documentary value, they may be preserved in the Archive for Recorded Sound and Moving Images.
A government authority which has as its task to supervise advertising in sound radio and television broadcasts is entitled to use broadcasts to the extent necessary for the purpose.
[As enacted by Law 1994:190]
Art. 26f. Anyone is entitled to distribute to the public, simultaneously and in an unaltered form, by wireless means or by cable (retransmission), such works which form part of a wireless sound radio or television broadcast if an extended collective agreement license applies under
The provisions of the first paragraph do not apply to works where the retransmission rights belong to the sound radio or television organization which carries out the original emission.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Special Provisions on Computer Programs
Art. 26g. Anyone who has acquired the right to use a computer program is entitled to make such copies of the program and to make such adaptations as are necessary in order for him to use the program for its intended purpose. This also applies to the correction of errors.
Anyone who has the right to use a computer program is entitled to make back-up copies of the program if this is necessary for the intended use of the program.
Copies which have been made on the basis of the provisions of the first and second paragraphs may not be used for other purposes and may, furthermore, not be used when the right to use the program has expired.
Anyone who has the right to use a computer program is entitled to observe, study or test the function of the program in order to ascertain the ideas and principles which lie behind the various details of the program. This applies provided that the act is performed in connection with such loading, display on a screen, processing, transmission or storing of the program that he is entitled to make.
Contractual clauses which limit the right of the user under the second and fourth paragraphs are null and void.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 26h. The reproduction of the code of a computer program or translation of its code is permitted if those acts are required in order to obtain interoperability between the program and another program, provided, however, that the following conditions are met:
1.     the acts are performed by a person who has the right to use the program or, on his behalf, by a person who is authorized to perform those acts;
2.     the information necessary to achieve interoperability has not previously been readily available to the persons referred to in item 1;
3.     the acts are confined to those parts of the original program which are necessary to achieve interoperability.
The provisions of the first paragraph do not permit the information
1.     to be used for goals other than to achieve the intended interoperability,
2.     to be given to other persons except when necessary for obtaining the intended interoperability,
3.     to be used for the development, production or marketing of a computer program substantially similar in its expression to the protected program, or
4.     to be used for other acts which imply an infringement of the copyright.
Contractual provisions restricting the rights of the user according to this paragraph are null and void.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Common Provisions Concerning Extended
Collective Agreement Licenses
Art. 26i. An extended collective agreement license referred to in Articles 13, 26f applies to the use of works in a specific manner, when an agreement has been concluded concerning such a use with an organization which represents a substantial number of Swedish authors in the field concerned. The extended collective agreement license gives the user the right to use works of the type referred to in the agreement despite the fact that the authors of those works are not represented by the organization.
In order for a work to be used on the basis of Article 13, the agreement must have been concluded with someone who pursues educational activities in organized forms.
The author has the right to remuneration when a work is used on the basis of
When a work is used on the basis of Articles 13 or
Only the contracting organizations are entitled to claim remuneration from the one who uses a work on the basis of[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Chapter 2a
Remuneration in Connection with Resale
of Copies of Works of Fine Art
Art. 26j. When a copy of a work of fine art, which has been transferred, is resold in the course of the duration of the copyright by a trader in the exercise of his business activity, the author has a right to remuneration from the seller. The author has a right to remuneration also in other cases, where the sale is brought about by a trader in the exercise of his business activity. In such a case, the remuneration shall be paid by the trader. The remuneration shall be 5 percent of the sales price excluding the value added tax.
The author has, however, no right to remuneration
1.     where the resale price, excluding the value added tax, does not exceed one-twentieth of the basic amount under the Act on General Insurance (1962:381),
2.     where the copy of the work of fine art is a copy of a work of architecture, or
3.     where the copy of the work of fine art is a work of applied art which has been produced in a number of identical copies.
The right to remuneration is personal and cannot be transferred. However, notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 10, Article 3, of the Marriage Code, the provisions governing the division of property between spouses, inheritance and testament shall apply to the right after the death of the author.
Only an organization representing a substantial number of Swedish authors in the field concerned is entitled to claim the remuneration. The organization shall claim the remuneration in respect of, and pay the amount to, the person entitled to it after deduction of reasonable compensation to the organization for its administrative costs. If the organization does not claim the remuneration from the person liable for the payment within three years from the expiry of the calendar year when the sale took place, the claim is prescribed.
The person who is liable for the remuneration shall, at the request of the organization, provide details of the sales for which remuneration is due and which have taken place during the preceding three years.
[As amended by Law 1995:1273]
Chapter 3
Transfer of Copyright
General Provisions on Assignments
Art. 27. Subject to the limitation which follows from
The transfer of a copy does not include the transfer of the copyright. In the case of a portrait executed on commission, the author may, however, not exercise his right without the consent of the person who commissioned it or, after the death of such a person, the surviving spouse and heirs.
Provisions governing the transfer of copyright in certain specific cases are included in Articles 30 to [As enacted by Law 1992:1687]
Art. 28. In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the person to whom a copyright has been transferred may not alter the work or transfer the copyright to others. If the copyright forms part of a business, it may be transferred together with the business or of part thereof; the transferor remains liable for the fulfillment of the agreement.
Art. 29. [Revoked by Law 1976:192]
Public Performance Contracts
Art. 30. If the right to perform a work publicly has been transferred, the transfer shall be valid for a period of three years and shall not include exclusivity. If a term longer than three years has been agreed to and an exclusive right has been transferred, the author may nevertheless perform the work himself or transfer the right in this respect to others if the right has not been exercised for a period of three years.
This Article does not apply to cinematographic works.
Publishing Contracts
Art. 31. The author transfers to the publisher, by means of a publishing contract, the right to reproduce a literary or artistic work by printing or a similar process and the right to publish it.
The manuscript or other copy from which the work is being reproduced shall remain the property of the author.
Art. 32. The publisher shall have the right to publish one edition, which may not exceed, in the case of a literary work, 2,000 copies, in the case of a musical work 1,000 copies, and in the case of an artistic work 200 copies.
An edition shall be understood to be what the publisher produces at one and the same time.
Art. 33. The publisher has the duty to publish the work within a reasonable time, to ensure the distribution of it in the usual manner, and to follow up the publishing to the extent determined by marketing conditions and other circumstances. In case of default, the author may rescind the contract and keep the remuneration received. If the author has suffered damage which is not covered by the remuneration, such damage shall also be compensated.
Art. 34. If the work has not been published within two years or, if it is a musical work, four years, from the time the author has delivered the manuscript or other copy for reproduction, the author may, even if there is no fault on the part of the publisher, rescind the contract and keep the remuneration received. The same applies when the copies of the work are exhausted and the publisher has the right to publish a new edition and he fails to do so within one year from the time of the request by the author to do so.
Art. 35. The publisher shall provide the author with a certification from the printer or whoever else reproduces the work concerning the number of copies produced.
If during the fiscal year sales have taken place for which the author is entitled to remuneration, the publisher shall render account to him within nine months from the end of the year, stating the number of copies sold during the year and the number in stock at the end of the year. At his request, the author is also otherwise entitled to obtain a statement of the number in stock by the end of the year.
Art. 36. If the production of a new edition is initiated more than a year after the publication of the previous edition, the author shall be entitled to make, before the production starts, such changes in the work that can be made without unreasonable costs and without altering the character of the work.
Art. 37. The author is not entitled to publish the work again in the form or manner covered by the contract, before the edition or editions which the publisher is entitled to publish have been exhausted.
When 15 years have elapsed from the commencement of publication, the author is, however, entitled to include a literary work in an edition of his collected or selected works.
Art. 38. The provisions concerning publishing contracts shall not apply to contributions to newspapers or periodicals. Articles 33 and 34 shall not apply to contributions to other composite works.
Film Contracts
Art. 39. A transfer of the right to record a literary or artistic work on a film shall include the right to make the work available to the public, through the film, in cinemas, on television or otherwise and to make spoken parts of the film available in textual form or to translate them into another language. This provision does not apply to musical works.
[As enacted by Law 1973:363]
Art. 40. If the right to use a literary or musical work for a film intended for public showing is transferred, the transferee shall produce the film and make it available to the public within a reasonable time. If this is not done, the author may rescind the contract and keep the remuneration received. If the author has suffered damage which is not covered by the remuneration, such damage shall also be compensated.
If the cinematographic work has not been produced within five years from the time the author fulfilled his obligations, the author may rescind the contract and keep the remuneration received, even if there is no fault on the part of the transferee.
Computer Programs Created in
Employment Relations
Art. 40a. The copyright in a computer program created by an employee as a part of his tasks or following instructions by the employer is transferred to the employer unless otherwise agreed by contract.
[As enacted by Law 1992:1687]
Transfer of Copyright on the Death
of the Author, etc.
Art. 41. Notwithstanding the provisions in Chapter 10, Article 3, first paragraph, of the Marriage Code, the provisions governing the division of property between spouses, inheritance and testament shall, after the death of the author, apply to copyright. An administrator of the estate may not, without the consent of the heirs, exploit the work in a manner other than that in which it has previously been exploited.
The author may, with binding effect for the surviving spouse and heirs of his body, give directions in his will concerning the exercise of copyright or authorize somebody else to give such directions.
[As enacted by Law 1987:800]
Art. 42. Copyright shall not be subject to legal seizure as long as it remains with the author or with any other person who has acquired the copyright by virtue of division of property between spouses, inheritance or will. The same shall apply to manuscripts and to such works of art which have not been exhibited, placed on sale or otherwise authorized to be made available to the public.
[As enacted by Law 1987:800]
Chapter 4
Duration of Copyright
Art. 43. Copyright in a work shall subsist until the end of the seventieth year after the year in which the author deceased or, in the case of a work referred to in
[As amended by Law 1995:1273]
Art. 44. In the case of a work which has been made public without mention of the author’s name or generally known signature, the copyright shall subsist until the end of the seventieth year after the year in which the work was made public. If the work consists of two or more interconnected parts, the term shall be calculated separately for each part.
If the author reveals his identity within the term mentioned in the first paragraph, the provisions of Article 43 shall apply.
For works which have not been made public and whose author is not known, the copyright subsists until the end of the seventieth year after the year in which the work was created.
[As amended by Law 1995:1273]
Art. 44a. Where a work has not been published within the term referred to in Article 43 or 44, the person who thereafter for the first time publishes or makes public the work shall benefit from such right in the work as corresponds to the economic rights of the copyright. The right subsists until the end of the twenty-fifth year after the year in which the work was published or made public.
[As enacted by Law 1995:1273]
Chapter 5
Certain Rights Neighboring Copyright
Performing Artists
Art. 45. A performing artist’s performance of a literary or artistic work may not, without his authorization,
1.     be recorded on a phonographic record, a film or another material support from which it can be reproduced, or
2.     be broadcast over sound radio or television or be made available to the public by direct communication.
A performance which has been recorded on a material support as mentioned in the first paragraph,
The provisions of  3, 11 to 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25 to 26e,
When a copy of a recording under this Article has, with the authorization of the performer, been transferred within the European Economic Area, that copy may be distributed further.
The provisions of the fourth paragraph do not confer a right to make available to the public
1.     copies of recordings, through rental or other similar legal acts, or
2.     copies of a film or other material support on which moving images have been recorded, through lending.
[As amended by Law 1995:1273]
Producers of Recordings of Sounds
and of Images
Art. 46. A phonographic record, a film or another material support on which sounds or moving images have been recorded may not, without the authorization of the producer, be reproduced or made available to the public until 50 years have elapsed from the year in which the recording was made, or, if the recording was published or made public within 50 years from the recording, after the year in which the recording was first published or made public. The transfer of the recording from one such support to another shall also be considered a reproduction.
The provisions of  6 to 11, second paragraph, 12, 13, 15 and 16, 21, 22, 25 to 26e shall apply to recordings mentioned in this Article. In addition,
When a copy of a recording under this Article has, with the consent of the producer, been transferred within the European Economic Area, that copy may be distributed further.
The provisions of the third paragraph do not constitute a right to make available to the public
1.     copies of recordings, through rental or other similar legal acts, or
2.     copies of a film or other material support on which moving images have been recorded, through lending.
[As amended by Law 1995:1273]
Use of Sound Recordings
for Public Performances
Art. 47. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 45, second paragraph, and 46, first paragraph, sound recordings may be used in a sound radio or television broadcast or in another public performance. In such a case, the producer and the performers whose performances are recorded have a right to remuneration. If two or more performers have participated in a performance, their right may only be claimed jointly. Claims of the performers and those of the producers against the person who has used the recording shall be made at the same time.
The provisions on sound radio or television broadcasts in the first paragraph shall apply also when such a wireless broadcast is redistributed to the public, simultaneously and without alteration, by wireless means or by cable (retransmission). A claim for remuneration shall be made against the person who carries out the retransmission only through organizations representing a substantial number of Swedish performing artists or producers. The organizations shall submit their claims at the same time as the claims referred to in
The provisions of  8 and 11, second paragraph, 21, 22 and 25 to
This Article does not apply to sound films.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Sound Radio and Television Organizations
Art. 48. A sound radio or television broadcast may not, without the consent of the radio or television organization,
1.     be recorded on a material support from which it can be reproduced, or
2.     be rebroadcast or made available to the public in places where the public has access against an entrance fee.
A broadcast which has been recorded on a material support as mentioned in the first paragraph, The provisions of 6 to 11, second paragraph, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25 to 26e shall apply in respect of sound radio and television broadcasts referred to in this Article.
When a copy of a recording under this Article has, with the consent of the organization, been transferred within the European Economic Area, that copy may be further distributed.
If a sound radio or television organization has a claim for remuneration for such a retransmission as referred to inArticle 26i, fifth paragraph.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Producers of Catalogs, etc.
Art. 49. A catalog, a table or another similar production in which a large number of information items have been compiled may not be reproduced without the authorization of the producer until 10 years have elapsed from the year in which the production was published.
The provisions of  6 to 11, second paragraph, 12, first paragraph, 13, 16 to 18, 26 to 26e shall also apply to productions referred to in this Article. If a production of this kind, or a part thereof, is subject to copyright, copyright protection may also be claimed.
[As enacted by Law 1993:1007]
Art. 49a. Anyone who has produced a photographic picture has an exclusive right to reproduce the picture and to make it available to the public. This right applies regardless of whether the picture is used in its original form or in an altered form and regardless of which technique has been used.
A picture which has been produced by a process analogous to photography is also considered a photographic picture.
The right under the first paragraph subsists until 50 years have elapsed from the year in which the picture was produced.
The provisions of  2, second and third paragraphs, 11, 12, first paragraph, 13, 15, 16, 18 to 20, 23, 24, first paragraph,25 to 26d to 26i to 28, 31 to 38, 41, 42 and 50 to 52 shall apply to pictures referred to in this Article. If such a picture is subject to copyright, copyright protection may also be claimed.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Chapter 6
Special Provisions
Art. 50. A literary or artistic work may not be made available to the public under such a title, pseudonym or signature that the work or its author may be easily confused with a work which has previously been made available to the public or with its author.
Art. 51. If a literary or artistic work is performed or reproduced in a manner which violates cultural interests, a court may, upon action by an authority appointed by the Government, issue an injunction prohibiting such use, under penalty of a fine. This provision shall not apply during the lifetime of the author.
[As enacted by Law 1978:488]
Art. 52. In connection with the adjudication of a fine, the court may prescribe reasonable measures in order to prevent misuse of copies which are the subject of a prohibition under Article 51 and devices which can be used only for the production of such copies. Such a measure may prescribe that the property shall be destroyed or altered in a specific manner.
The provisions of this Article do not apply in relation to a person who has acquired the property, or a right therein, in good faith.
The property referred to in the first paragraph may be taken into custody awaiting the measures mentioned in that Article; the general provisions on custody in criminal actions shall apply.
Art. 52a. Anyone wanting to carry out a retransmission by wire of works forming part of a wireless sound radio or television broadcast and who requests an agreement with an organization representing Swedish right owners or with a sound radio or television organization carrying out emissions within the European Economic Area but is denied such an agreement on the terms requested, is entitled, upon request, to negotiations with the organization or the sound radio or television organization, respectively.
A party which has a duty to participate in such negotiations shall personally or through a representative attend a meeting for such negotiations and, if deemed necessary, put forward a reasoned proposal for the solution of the question which the negotiation concerns. The parties may agree on a form for negotiations other than a meeting.
Anyone not complying with the provisions of the second paragraph shall pay compensation for the damage incurred. In the considerations concerning if and to what extent damage has been caused to someone, account shall also be taken of his interest in the provision being applied and of circumstances other than those of a purely economic character.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Chapter 7
Penal and Civil Liability
Art. 53. Anyone who, in relation to a literary or artistic work, commits an act which infringes the copyright enjoyed in the work under the provisions of Article 41, second paragraph, or Article 50, shall be punished by fines or imprisonment for not more than two years if the act is committed willfully or with gross negligence.
Anyone who reproduces, for his private use, a computer program which is published or of which a copy has been transferred with the authorization of the author shall not be liable for criminal sanctions if the master copy is not used in commercial or public activities and he does not use the copies of the computer program produced for other than his private use.
The provisions of the first paragraph apply also if a person imports into Sweden copies of a work for distribution to the public if such copies have been produced abroad under such circumstances that a similar production here would have been punishable under that paragraph.
Anyone who has violated an injunction issued under penalty of a fine under
Attempts to commit acts mentioned in the first or third paragraphs as well as the planning of such acts shall be punishable according to the provisions of Chapter 23 of the Criminal Code.
[As enacted by Law 1994:233]
Art. 53a. At the request of the author or his successor in title or of a person who, on the basis of a license, has the right to use the work, the court may issue an injunction prohibiting, under penalty of a fine, a person who commits an act implying an infringement of, or a violation referred to, in Article 53 from continuing that act.
If the plaintiff shows reasonable grounds that an act implying an infringement or a violation as referred to inArticle 53 is taking place and if it can reasonably be expected that the defendant, through the continuation of the act, is diminishing the value that the copyright confers, the court may issue an injunction for the time until the case has been finally adjudicated or is decided otherwise. No injunction may be issued before the defendant has been given an opportunity to respond, unless a delay would entail a risk of damage.
An injunction as mentioned in the second paragraph may be issued only if the plaintiff deposits security with the court for the damage which may be caused to the defendant. If the plaintiff is not capable of depositing such security, the court may liberate him from making such a deposit. As regards the type of security, the provisions of Chapter 2, Article 25, of the Enforcement Code shall apply. The security shall be examined by the court unless the defendant has accepted it.
When the case is judged, the court shall decide whether a prohibition issued under the second paragraph shall continue to apply.
The provisions on appeal against decisions provided for in Chapter 15 of the Code of Judicial Procedure shall apply as regards appeals against decisions under the second and third paragraphs and as regards the proceedings in higher courts.
A request for the imposition of a fine may be made by the person who has requested the injunction. In connection with such an imposition, a request may be made for a new injunction to be issued under penalty of a fine.
As regards the contents of wireless broadcasts and broadcasts by wire, the provisions of the Radio Act (1966:755) apply.
[As enacted by Law 1994:233]
Art. 54. Anyone who exploits a work in violation of this Act or of directions given under Article 41, second paragraph, shall pay such compensation to the author or copyright owner as will constitute a reasonable remuneration for the exploitation.
In the case of an exploitation carried out willfully or with gross negligence, compensation shall also be paid for losses other than lost remuneration as well as for mental suffering and for other injury.
Anyone who otherwise willfully or negligently commits an act involving an infringement or a violation according toArticle 53 shall pay to the author or his successor in title compensation for losses, mental suffering or other injury caused by the act.
Art. 55. Anyone who commits an act involving an infringement or a violation under Article 53 shall, if this is considered reasonable, surrender to the author or his successor in title, as compensation, the property involved in the infringement or the violation. The same shall apply to type matter, printing blocks, molds or other similar devices which can only be used for the production of property of the kind now mentioned.
Instead of issuing an order for surrender as prescribed in the first paragraph, the court may, at the request of the author or his successor in title, in accordance with what is considered reasonable, order that such property shall be destroyed or altered in specific ways or that other measures shall be taken to prevent unauthorized use. Such a request may also be made by a public prosecutor if this is considered desirable from the point of view of public interest. Orders as mentioned in this paragraph shall not be issued if surrender or measures for the prevention of unauthorized use are to be decided under the Criminal Code.
The provisions of the first and third paragraphs shall not apply in respect of persons who have in good faith acquired the property or a right in it, nor in cases involving the construction of a work of architecture.
If property other than that mentioned in the first paragraph has been used for such manufacturing of copies of works that constitutes a criminal violation under this Act, the property or its value may be ordered to be surrendered if such a measure is considered necessary to prevent criminal violations or there are otherwise special reasons for such an order. This shall apply also in relation to property which has been used in connection with attempts to commit violations as mentioned here or which form part of the planning of such violations.
[As enacted by Law 1982:284]
Art. 56. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 55, the Court may, if it considers it reasonable in view of the artistic or economic value of the copies of the work or of other circumstances, upon a request to that effect, decide that the copies, against the payment of specific remuneration to the author or his successor in title, be made available to the public or otherwise used for their intended purpose.
Art. 57. The provisions of Articles 53 to 56 shall also apply to the rights which are protected under the provisions of
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Art. 57a. Anyone who, in cases other than those referred to in Article 53, sells, leases or offers for sale or possesses for sale, lease or other commercial purposes a device intended solely for facilitating the unauthorized removal or circumvention of a device placed in order to protect a computer program against unauthorized reproduction shall be punished by fines or imprisonment for not more than six months.
[As enacted by Law 1992:1687]
Art. 58. The District Court of Stockholm shall have jurisdiction in cases involving sound radio or television broadcasts in violation of this Act. The same shall apply in cases involving claims for remuneration underArticles 18, 26i, third paragraph, or 47, and in cases where corresponding remuneration is claimed on the basis of a reference in Articles 45, 46, 48, 49 or Article 26f.
[As enacted by Law 1994:190]
Art. 59. A criminal action for violation of this Act may be instituted by a public prosecutor only if there is a complaint from the injured party or if such an action is called for in the public interest.
An action relating to a violation of the provisions in  3 or of directions given under Article 41, second paragraph, may be instituted by the surviving spouse of the author, by his heirs in the ascending or descending line or by his brothers or sisters.
If there are reasons to believe that a criminal violation under this Act has occurred, the property mentioned inArticle 55 may be taken into custody; the general rules governing custody in criminal cases shall apply.
[As enacted by Law 1982:284]
Chapter 8
Applicability of the Act
Art. 60. The provisions of this Act concerning copyright apply to:
1.     works of Swedish citizens or persons who have their habitual residence in Sweden;
2.     works first published in Sweden or simultaneously in Sweden and abroad;
3.     cinematographic works the producer of which has his headquarters or habitual residence in Sweden;
4.     works of architecture constructed here;
5.     works of fine art incorporated in a building here or in some other way permanently fixed to the ground.
For the purposes of the application of the first paragraph, item 3, the person whose name appears on a cinematographic work shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be deemed to be the producer of the said work.
The provisions of The provisions of The provisions of Articles 50 and 51 apply to all literary or artistic works regardless of their origin.
[As amended by Law 1995:1273]
Art. 61. The provisions of Articles 45, 47 and 48 apply to performances, sound recordings and sound radio and television broadcasts which take place in Sweden. In addition, the provisions of Article 45 apply to performances of persons who are Swedish citizens or who have their habitual residence in Sweden, the provisions of Article 47 to sound recordings the producer of which is a Swedish citizen or a Swedish legal entity or a person having his habitual residence here, and the provisions in Article 48 to broadcasts by sound radio and television organizations which have their headquarters in this country. The provisions of Article 46 apply to sound recordings and to recordings of moving images the producer of which is a Swedish citizen or a Swedish legal entity or has his habitual residence in Sweden as well as to such recordings of moving images which take place in Sweden. The provision of Article 46 concerning reproduction applies, however, to all sound recordings.
The provisions of Article 49 apply to productions the producer of which is a Swedish citizen or a Swedish legal entity or who has his habitual residence in Sweden as well as to productions which have been first published in Sweden.
With respect to the provisions of
1.     the producer of which is a Swedish citizen or has his habitual residence in Sweden,
2.     which have been first published in Sweden or simultaneously in Sweden and abroad,
3.     which have been incorporated in a building or another construction which is permanently fixed to the ground if the building or the construction is situated in Sweden.
For the purposes of the application of the third paragraph, item 2, the publication shall be considered to have taken place simultaneously if the work has been published in Sweden within 30 days from its publication abroad.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Art. 61a. When a work or another subject matter protected under this Act is communicated to the public via satellite, the act which is relevant from the point of view of copyright and neighboring rights shall be deemed to take place in the country where the broadcasting organization, under its control and its responsibility, introduces the subject matter into an uninterrupted chain of communication to the satellite and from there down towards the earth.
The foregoing provision does not apply if the introduction has taken place in a country which is not part of the European Economic Area and which does not apply the level of protection provided for in Chapter 2 of the Directive of the European Communities No. 93/83/EEC of September 27, 1993.
If, in the cases referred to in the second paragraph, the transmission to the satellite takes place in a member country of the European Economic Area, the act which is relevant from the point of view of copyright and neighboring rights shall be deemed to take place in the country from where the transmission takes place. If the transmission to the satellite does not take place in a member country of the European Economic Area but the sound radio or television organization which has decided the transmission has its headquarters in a member country of that Area, the relevant act from the point of view of copyright and neighboring rights shall be deemed to take place in that country.
[As enacted by Law 1995:447]
Art. 62. On condition of reciprocity, or where this follows from such an agreement with a foreign State or with an intergovernmental organization which has been approved by Parliament, the Government may provide for the application of this Act in relation to other countries. The Government may also provide for the application of the Act to works and photographic pictures first published by an intergovernmental organization and to unpublished works and photographic pictures which such an organization may publish.
[As amended by Law 1995:1273]
Chapter 9
Provisions Governing Entry into Force
and Transitional Provisions

[not included]

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